
7777788888新版跑狗图_现代商业分析- 电子竞技的不正当生意 Esports  第1张40:40

Northampton County Pennsylvania has often found itself at the core of the United States industrial revolutions and its political evolutions.


Its city of Easton was one of the three places where the Declaration of Independence was first read to the public.

2010 年代,竞技游戏已经超越了韩国、RTS 游戏、小众论坛和网吧。

Bethlehem, once synonymous with industrial might, is now a tourist destination, with such of these basses Music Fest which drew more than 1 million attendees this year.

有线电视正在退出, Twitch 正在起飞,传统体育的收视率下降, 而电子竞技的观众迅速增加。

It's a much more uplifting tune for the city and its voters, following the blues of two decades ago, when former industrial Titan Bethlehem Steel was dissolved and sold.

电子竞技将自己推销为未来的运动——在这个世界里, 电子游戏锦标赛将超越 NBA 和 NFL,任何人都可以从业余爱好者变成超级巨星,游戏将是一个可行的职业,体育场将挤满成千上万尖叫的球迷。

Northampton County has the uncanny ability to select the winners of presidential elections, having chosen all but three since 1920.


What really makes it I think magical and its ability to predict what happens in the state and nationally is its mix.

只有电子竞技才能拥有如此集中且投入的千禧一代和 Z 世代观众。

In that mix, farmers suburbanites, new residents from New York in Philadelphia and a growing Hispanic population.

理论上,所有这些价值都将由新的电子竞技团队和联盟捕获,他们可以通过门票、商品和媒体版权将这些眼球货币化——就像 NBA、NFL 和英超联盟几十年来分别利用收视率赚取数十亿一样。

The hardcore Republicans and the hardcore Democrats, they're so even in their numbers that the Democrats have a little bit of an edge there.


That small percentage of people who are willing to swing are going to decide that election time and time again.

在世界各地, 风险投资家向新兴团队投入了数百万美元,游戏发行商在世界级的场地举办比赛, 并以巨大的制作价值播放比赛,大学为有前途的职业选手提供奖学金,奖金池膨胀到数百万美元,职业选手被推销为新晋名人, 与世界上最优秀的选手签订了 6 到 7 位数的合同,粉丝群中也开始了激烈的竞争。

And that is why this is known as swing county USA where there's a significant percentage of voters who split their ballots between parties and still prioritize issues over personalities.

随着电子竞技进入 2010 年代,观众和表演水平也达到了更高的高度。

Being the president is a job and so we care more about is the job going to get done.

它不再是 Mountain Dew 和 Doritos - 主流品牌纷纷加入赞助球队、锦标赛和球员。

That's Rachel Lowell, a new mother concerned about women's rights and environmental policies.


Mick O'Hearen sees the majority of the county supporting the Democrats for a second consecutive presidential election.


From talking to people who I know voted for Trump in the last election, they're not going to vote for him this time around, because they're saying that they're kind of tired of it.

快进到 2024 年,电子竞技已经崩溃。

Democratic party nominee Kamala Harris is not going to get Wayne Jones's vote, because he says former president Donald Trump is tougher on stopping illegal migration.


If I had to choose right now, Trump hands down.

曾经占主导地位的游戏的收视率已经下降,并且人们开始质疑,在 Twitch 本身仍然无法盈利的情况下,这些观众对广告商来说是否有价值。

I mean, letting all these people across the border.


The county's voters take seriously their pivotal role in picking presidents, but that blessing can be a curse, according to Professor Boric.


I live in Northampton County.

像 TSM 和 Cloud 9 这样价值最高的团队在持续的裁员和裁员下已经陷入了无线电沉默。

The mailing I get every day or when I turn on the TV the the amount of ads is omnipresent.

少数已 IPO 的球队都是低价股,大多数已从交易所退市。

It's beautiful to be wanted, but sometimes the attention can be overwhelming.


With Northampton County on our a red-hot streak as the nation's political bell weather, the Trump and Harris campaigns will keep hammering away here until election day.

除了模糊、无法验证的公关声明之外,没有一支球队或联盟即使在巅峰时期也能实现盈利,人们正在回头观看 NFL、英超联赛和 NBA。

Steve Herman VOA news Northampton County Pennsylvania.

