
> Paris Olympics breaks numerous records, what's the magic of the purple track?巴黎奥运会破了这么多纪录,紫色跑道有什么魔力?2024澳门精准正版资料_双语新闻播报(August 23)  第1张A Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games' athletics track of two shades of purple manufactured by Mondo Sports Flooring is installed next to the Stade de France stadium in Saint-Denis near Paris, France, March 24, 2024. [Photo/Agencies]Each Olympic Games features athletes pushing the boundaries of human limits, but the Paris Olympics are particularly notable in this regard.每届奥运会都会有运动员刷新人类极限,但巴黎奥运会显得格外明显。At the Paris Olympics, records were broken through group improvement rather than individual breakthroughs. 巴黎奥运会打破世界纪录的方式并非单点突破,而是群体提升。In the men's 10,000 meters, 13 athletes broke the 2008 Olympic record, with Joshua Cheptegei winning in 26:43.14. 男子10000米长跑比赛,13名运动员打破贝克勒在2008年创造的奥运纪录,乌干达选手切普特盖以26分43秒14的成绩夺冠。The women's 400 meters final saw all nine athletes finish under 50 seconds.女子400米决赛则是历史上最快的一届,9名运动员全部跑进50秒以内。Alain Blondel, the head of athletics for the Paris Olympics and a retired French decathlete, commented on the impact of the purple track color. He noted that this design not only creates a strong visual contrast between the track and the spectators during television broadcasts, highlighting the athletes, but also helps athletes perform better. This is due to the significant effect that color can have on an athlete's performance.巴黎奥运会田径项目负责人、法国退役十项全能运动员阿兰•布隆代尔针对紫色跑道的色彩影响就曾表示:这种设计不仅能使得跑道在电视转播时和观众席形成强烈的对比,突出运动员的形象,还有助于运动员更好发挥,这是因为颜色对运动员的状态有着显著的影响。Purple is considered a cool color, which can create a sense of calm and stability. 紫色被认为是一种冷色调,可以营造出平静和稳定的感觉。Unlike blue, another cool color, purple also incorporates elements of red, a warm color that adds a sense of energy and expansion.与另一种冷色调蓝色不同,紫色还融入了红色这一暖色元素,红色的加入带来能量和扩展感。This combination of red's warmth and blue's coolness gives purple a balanced effect—it calms without being too subdued, helping to maintain a steady yet motivated emotional state.这种红色的温暖与蓝色的冷静相结合,使紫色具有平衡的效果——它既能带来平静,又不会过于沉闷,有助于保持稳定而充满动力的情绪状态。> Consumption giving forces to China's economic growth in July暑期消费拉动7月经济 扩内需政策加力显效2024澳门精准正版资料_双语新闻播报(August 23)  第2张Tourists enjoy a performance at an ancient-themed park in Xi'an, Shaanxi province, Aug 6, 2024. [Photo/Xinhua]China's economic growth showed a stable growth trend in July, the surge in consumption during the summer holiday is driving positive momentum in economic indicators, according to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics, the Securities Times reported on Friday.据《证券时报》8月16日报道,国家统计局发布的数据显示,7月份我国经济运行总体平稳、稳中有进。其中,暑期消费对多个经济指标起到带动作用。Recovery of the consumption continued as the index of services production, and the total retail sales of consumer goods registered 4.8 percent and 2.7 percent growth year-on-year in July, respectively. On a monthly basis, the growth rate outpaced June by 0.1 percentage point and 0.7 percentage point, respectively, according to the report.报道称,7月份消费延续恢复态势,全国服务业生产指数和社会消费品零售总额分别同比增长4.8%和2.7%,增速比上月加快0.1个百分点和0.7个百分点。With an increase number of tourists traveling during summer break, sectors such as transportation, warehousing and postal production grew faster than that of the service industry as a whole.暑期旅游出行人数增多,带动相关的交通运输、仓储和邮政业生产指数增长快于全部服务业增速。Consequently, the travel consulting rental services grow relatively faster than usual, said Liu Aihua, an NBS spokeswoman, at a news conference in Beijing on Thursday.国家统计局新闻发言人刘爱华8月15日在北京召开的新闻发布会上介绍,受其影响,旅游咨询租赁服务类消费增长也较快。The foundation for the recovery of the consumer market will be further solidified, with the implementation of a combination of policies in order to increase people's income and consumption demands, Liu added.刘爱华表示,随着增加居民收入、增强消费能力和意愿各项政策的贯彻落实,消费市场恢复的基础将进一步得到巩固。> Word of the day丨carbon-sink capacity每日一词丨碳汇量The annual carbon-sink capacity of China's forests and grassland has exceeded 1.2 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents, ranking first in the world, according to a press conference on ecological conservation and restoration ahead of National Ecology Day.全国生态日前夕召开的生态保护修复专题新闻发布会称,目前我国林草年碳汇量超过12亿吨二氧化碳当量,居世界首位。【知识点】碳汇是指从大气中清除二氧化碳的过程、活动或机制。在林业中主要是指植物吸收大气中的二氧化碳并将其固定在植被或土壤中,从而减少该气体在大气中的浓度。如森林碳汇、草地碳汇、耕地碳汇、土壤碳汇、海洋碳汇等等。碳汇量是指一定时期内森林碳库碳储量的变化量。国家林草局称,森林是集水库、钱库、粮库、碳库于一身的大宝库,森林和草原对国家生态安全具有基础性战略性作用。据测算,目前全国林草年碳汇量超过12亿吨二氧化碳当量,居世界首位。据预测,2060年我国难以避免的碳排放约有25亿吨二氧化碳当量,林草碳汇能吸收一半以上碳排放。实现“双碳”目标是我国主动担当大国责任、对国际社会作出的庄严承诺。作为实现碳中和目标的“压舱石”,林草碳汇发挥着不可替代的作用。国家林草局启动18个林业碳汇试点市(县)和21个国有林场森林碳汇试点近2年来,试点单位结合实际,制定巩固提升碳汇能力实施方案,开展碳汇计量监测方法实践,创新林业碳汇应用场景,探索出多种巩固提升碳汇能力的途径与价值实现模式。【相关词汇】碳中和carbon neutrality全国生态日National Ecology DayFind more audio news on the China Daily App.来源:中国日报网