
一码一肖100准中,学习的英语单词有哪些  第1张


Study - 学习

  • I need to study for my upcoming exam.


Learn - 学习

  • I want to learn how to play the guitar.


Education - 教育

  • Education is the key to success.


School - 学校

  • My brother goes to a prestigious boarding school.


一码一肖100准中,学习的英语单词有哪些  第2张

Teacher - 老师

  • Mrs. Johnson is my English teacher.


Student - 学生

  • There are many students in the library studying.


Classroom - 教室

  • Our history class is in Classroom 201.


Homework - 家庭作业

  • I have a lot of homework to finish tonight.


一码一肖100准中,学习的英语单词有哪些  第3张

Exam - 考试

  • I am nervous about the math exam tomorrow.


Test - 测试

  • We have a spelling test on Friday.


Lesson - 课程

  • The science lesson was about the solar system.


Material - 学习资料

  • Please bring all the study materials to class.


一码一肖100准中,学习的英语单词有哪些  第4张

Textbook - 教科书

  • You can find the definition in the back of the textbook.


Notebook - 笔记本

  • I like taking notes in my notebook during lectures.


Lecture - 讲座

  • The professor gave an interesting lecture on history.


Assignment - 作业

  • We have a group assignment for our science project.


一码一肖100准中,学习的英语单词有哪些  第5张

Deadline - 截止日期

  • The deadline for submitting the essay is next Monday.


Study group - 学习小组

  • I meet with my study group to review for the exam.


Research - 研究

  • I need to do some research for my history paper.


Memorize - 记忆

  • I have to memorize all the vocabulary words for the quiz.


一码一肖100准中,学习的英语单词有哪些  第6张